Ice Plants
Vessel Movement


Quick Facts

MIFCO, has its operation based in four strategic geographic regions across Maldives Islands, procuring fish directly and lending logistical support to the Maldivian fisherman.


MIFCO has 3 processing facilities, Felivaru Fisheries Complex, Kooddoo Fisheries Complex and Addu Fisheries Complex. In addition, MIFCO Masfihaara sells different products produced at the above factories for the local market under MIFCO’s own brand name “Fasmeeru”.

MDV 001

Felivaru Fisheries

Felivaru Cannery is the first industrial processing operation setup in the Maldives in 1977. The EU approved cannery, MDV 001 provides private labelled packing according to customer’s specifications Renowed brands contracted with Felivaru cannery includes, Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury, Migros All raw materials are directly purchased from local fishermen and is caught by Pole and line fishing method Fresh catch is available year round and cannery is supported with a raw material storage of more than 5000 MT

QUALITY - FFC maintains its quality systems to the standards of ISO 9001:2000, 9002, BRC Global Standards, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Its laboratory operations are to the standards of Campden Laboratory Accreditation Scheme of CCFRA since 1998. In addition Felivaru cannery holds FSSC 22000. ETHICAL - Felivaru cannery also holds global standards of BSCI and SMETA ECO LABELLING – Dolphin Friendly certificate, MSC certificate, TRACEABILITY – Catch certificate, Trace Register

MDV 003

Koodoo Fisheries

KFC in the south of the country started its operations in 1996. KFC is the main cold storage facility of the company and has the capacity to freeze 350 MT in 24 hours and has a 2,000 cold storage. This facility together with an alongside berth which can accommodate vessels up to 2500 DWT has contributed to the development of fishery in the region and accounts for the lions’ share of increases in the export of frozen fish fishery products.

Fishermen lands fish to KFC jetty as well as collector vessels in the area. Fish is brine frozen and stored in cold chambers after being sorting out species and sizes. Kooddoo also provides ice to fishermen along with other essentials supplies such as fuel, water and convenient store service.


Addu Fisheries

Mifco has invested in additional 1500MT cold store and processing facility at the southern end of Maldives. As public investment in fisheries grew, Addu Atoll region has been contributing a major portion of fish landing. To accommodate the increased fish landing, the necessity for a land based cold store facility was crucial.

Main support facilities includes 210 meter berthing facilities for fishing vessels and collector vessels, a desalination plant, a fish meal plant to utilize the fish waste of the whole plant, water storage and distribution system and warehousing facilities for raw materials and finished products. The plant is also incorporated with a laboratory for testing the quality of fish landing.